Adhesive post-endodontic treatment - clinical procedure step-by-step
There are two classic reasons for post-endodontic treatment. Secure closure of the root space to prevent contamination of the root system and (when needed) retention of the final tooth restoration. There is another one much more modern in its approach which is fail-safe concept. Dentist needs an option in case of failure of the current treatment. All of the requirements can be completed by using resin composite with or without fiber post. Advantages of the procedure are less invasive dentin preparation, similar modulus elasticity of the build-up to dentin and single session treatment with root canal packing. In order to achieve all the possible advantages, operator needs to understand adhesive procedures, be able to preserve as much dentin as possible and for this, optical devide is highly recommended.
During the lecture, procedure of the adhesive post-endodontic treatment will be demonstrated on a clinical video and all the steps explained.