Technology + Empathy = loyalty in the digital age
This program will explore the utilization of various digital technologies that give us greater insight into the patient’s oral health and how we can leverage these technologies to properly educate patients, so that we capture their hearts.
Having a high-tech practice may satisfy your patients; however satisfaction is far different than loyalty. To build a sustainable practice in the long run we are dependent upon new patient flow and equally important is that we retain patients that come into our practice. In order to not be seen as a commodity patients need to have the “care” brought back into health care and feel the empathy you and your team have for them. This program will explore the utilization of various digital technologies that give us greater insight into the patient’s oral health and how we can leverage these technologies to properly educate patients, so that we capture their hearts. By providing patients with a valuable experience we can transition them from satisfaction to loyalty.
Learning objectives
Upon completion of this session attendees will:
- see how imaging can be leveraged to educate patients
- learn how empathy can separate your practice from the pack in a world where everything looks the same.