The whys, wherefores and hows of replacing single missing tooth in the esthetic zone: strategies for implant supported crowns on different clinical indications.
In this webinar single tooth replacement in the esthetic zone will be covered. Different clinical situations will be described and according to indications appropriate approaches are going to be presented and discussed on clinical cases.
There are several challenging factors inherent on replacing a missing incisor in the esthetic zone. Decrease in bone and soft tissue volume, subsequent to tooth loss, is one of the most important of these factors. When the treatment option is an implant supported crown, adequate tissue volume becomes a prerequisite for optimum esthetic outcome. There are several treatment plan options available for the clinician to decide when a tooth is condemned to extraction. Immediate implant placement would be the first option in order to decrease treatment time and also to preserve tissue volume and contours. However, there are limitations for immediate implant placement. Socket preservation could be another option for the management of fresh extraction sockets. If the tooth was lost certain time ago and ridge resorption has already been occurred then the clinician should consider augmentation techniques in order to obtain sufficient hard and soft tissue volume for pleasing esthetic results. There are several challenging factors inherent on replacing a missing incisor in the esthetic zone.
In this webinar single tooth replacement in the esthetic zone will be covered. Different clinical situations will be described and according to indications appropriate approaches are going to be presented and discussed on clinical cases.
key words: immediate implantation, single tooth replacement, esthetic zone, socket preservation, site development, socket shield, dental webinar