Prophylaxis to Periodontal Therapy - Update on an Optimized Workflow
An efficient workflow is a vital part of every treatment plan. It helps to increase patient commitment to treatment and gives a step-by-step approach for guiding patients from prophylaxis to periodontal therapy. Additionally, the understanding of periodontal diseases has changed during the last years and leads us use new, less invasive techniques; such as powder based biofilm removal in pockets.
Tracey Lennemann presents on July 6th, 2016 at 3 p.m, a systematic overview for prevention, treatment and management of periodontal disease including 4 simple steps to success.
Some Topics:
1. Motivation for acceptance: Integration of patient into the treatment process
2. Power scaling: debridement and initial therapy options.
3. What has changed: Regeneration and reattachment through modern techniques
4 . Polishing and finishing; effective non-abrasive stain and biofilm management