New era in the treatment of worn dentition: the full mock up concept
At the same time materials, technic, concepts brought us all the solution to offer contemporary dentistry to our patient.
Dental manufacturers offer awesome product. These need to fit with a precise methodology in order to propose solutions to the dentist and improve their daily life.
The aim of this presentation will be to suggest a simple way of working and thinking which can be resumed by these 3 key words: simple, teachable and repeatable.
Laminate veneer would be presented as a versatile tool to solve cosmetic problem but also functional
problem (worn dentition).
Both of these topics use the same philosophy (minimal invasive approaches), same bonded materials (CAD CAM material, press material ), same concept (visualization, validation, navigation through the mock up) and same clinical procedure (prep design, temporization, cementation).
Aesthetic dentistry becomes simple, digital and more than this accessible.