How to grow your practice and increase patient acceptance
This webinar will have suggestions for necessary steps to grow a successful implant practice. It will include products, infrastructure, patient journey and all of their effects on the overall outcome
In this dental webinar, Dr. Steven Bongard will discuss the necessary steps to grow your implant practice.
Who am I and how did I get to my success? He will explain how minimal time to teeth protocols grew his implant business. He will explain how same day teeth was established.
He will explain the importance of creating an infrastructure to support the treatments and procedures offered and the importance of the referral model. He will also discuss how interfacing with the patient in a streamlined, team approach, leads to higher treatment acceptance.
Dr. Bongard will go on to speak about what Nobel Biocare can do to support you in growing your implant practice, and the tools and resources available through Nobel Biocare.