Dr Petr Hajný finished the Secondary Sanitary School in Karlovy Vary as a dental technician in 1997 and graduated from the Charles University in Prague in 2005. During his medical studies, he worked as a dental technician. Since 2005, he has worked at the ASKLEPION – Clinic and Institute of Aesthetic Medicine in Prague (Czech Republic) as a specialist in esthetic dentistry and all‐ceramic restorations. Since 2009, he has been director of dental clinic DentInn s.r.o. in Prague. Since 2012, he has worked at the private practice EXI‐GROUP s.r.o. in Prague, since 2014, he has engaged in the private practice OneVisitDentistry s.r.o. in Prague. He is an owner of four CAD/CAM systems. He was the Vice‐President of the Czech Society of CAD/CAM Dentistry, member of the CZADE – Czech Academy of Dental Aesthetics. Moreover, he is working as a certified CEREC trainer for dentists and dental laboratories in Czech Republic and abroad. Since 2009, he has been a trainer for T‐Scan technology in most countries of EU.
Main specialization: CAD/CAM technologies, esthetic dentistry and ceramic restorations.