How to work with Intra-Oral scanner files
Open, edit, freeform and work with Intra Oral scan files in Planmeca PlanCAD Premium software.
Crown & bridge and single implant case with respective models. Features: dynamic occlusal adaptation, parameters for adapting the crown to the abutment and much more.
Crown and Bridge case
- Import IO project. Open summary.xml
- Create new project in PlanMananger and import files manually.
- Edit files.
- Margin lines on Intra-Oral scan data.
- Position teeth with ChainMode and Show distances.
- Articulate jaws and simulate movements under expert.
- Dynamic occlusal adaptation Create.
- Create Implant Model.
Single Implant case using MIS library
- Implant indications in Planmanager
- Import files manually
- Edit scan data
- Freeform scan data
- Preconditioned gingiva
- Advanced Abutment Milling Parameters
- Freeform abutment
- Model with Implant