EQUIA: a new way of thinking, a new way to treat
As Carl Sagan said, science is more than just a body of knowledge: it is a way of thinking.
As Carl Sagan said, science is more than just a body of knowledge: it is a way of thinking.
Changing the way we think we have been changing the way we make our restorations from a 1st stage where dentistry has prioritized the mechanical properties of the material, a 2nd stage where high aesthetic sought to enter the 3rd stage where the maximum value is the protection of the tooth, to do a biomaterial with an appropriate balance between aesthetic and mechanical properties of the solution: EQUIA.
Learning objective:
Changing the way we think of restorative dentistry
order to integrate in our daily practice EQUIA
Knowing the advantages of EQUIA system from more traditional materials for this alternative take prominence in our daily work.